I Will Take Responsibility for my Life, my Choices, my Words, and my Actions.

There is no more insidious, destructive, self-defeating attitude than the refusal of people to take responsibility for their own life. I will refuse to be one of the crowd.
  • I will take ownership of every choice, word, and action of my life.
  • I will admit when I am wrong and offer immediate and sincere apology to any and all I may have hurt.
  • I will refuse to adopt the victim mentality.
  • I will refuse to attach any blame for my life, my choices, my words, and my actions to anyone or anything else. I'll not waste precious time finding fault.
  • Knowing I, and I alone, am responsible for my life, my choices, my words, and my actions, I will be more deliberate, thoughtful, and prayerful in my decisions, big and small.
  • I will seek to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God. (Micah 6:8)